Easy And Healthy Solutions To Cut Down Healthcare Expenses

Healthy Solutions

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The health of healthcare has drastically improved in the past two decades. The improvement brought in by science and technology is making it easier for people to get cured much quicker. The global spending on healthcare is projected to increase by a healthy rate of 5.4% from 2017 to 2022 and this might take the healthcare industry which stands 7.724 trillion US dollars to 10.059 trillion US dollars. Though the improvement in medicine and cure technology is great news, the decrease in people’s health is still a giant headache. This is purely due to the lifestyle that we are liv today. The people are less concerned about their physical and mental wellbeing as they abuse their body and mind to get what they want to the point that they breakdown. Though this is good business for the people engaged in healthcare and medicine sector, in the long run, it might not be beneficial for the society. The average spending on healthcare by the family of four was approximately 28,166 dollars for the year 2018 in the US. This is quite a big number and estimated to further increase in the coming years. This is partly due to expensive healthcare solutions and personal negligence. We do not have time for ourselves, the speed and the urgency we show in life give us only pain in the end. Work is important but it should not cost us our health.

Small steps but big impact

Let’s take a few minutes and breathe in and breathe out and just relax. The following mentioned steps will help you to maintain good health.

  1. Bring positivity

Sometimes, it is very difficult to think green if we see red all over the world. The negativity does not only surround us but haunts us even in our dreams. We might not change the world but can bring some positive changes in our thought process to make ourselves feel good. It might be slow but the impact will be felt in due course.

  1. Eat healthy

There was a great catchphrase by Britannia “Eat Healthy Think Better”. Our body needs food to derive energy. But our tongue needs entertainment and we keep falling in the trap of tasty but highly unhealthy and unhygienic food. Listen to your body and eat healthy food always. It will improve the immune system’s capabilities to fight diseases.

  1. Push, Pull, and Stretch

Yes, do exercise for a few minutes daily. Do what your body and mind can handle. Doing exercise is about getting your mind ready and sometimes it is difficult to convince our mind to do something. It gets even more difficult if an activity involves exercise. Give it a carrot and make small and slow progress.

  1. Goodbye and goodnight

The 21st century is probably the most sleep-deprived generation in the history of mankind and mankind had seen a lot that can take away the sleep. At the end of the day, we have to give our due to our body as it needs rest after a grueling day of work. So say goodbye to your phones, tablets, laptops and all your stress and immerse yourself in a deep sleep. Good sleep not only recharges body but also energizes the mind.

  1. Keep clean and maintain hygiene around

Keep your home and environment clean and accommodate hygienic habits. It will prevent you from many contagious diseases like malaria, dengue, and many more.

  1. Regular health checkup

People should have a regular health checkup. It will give you the right information about your robust outside and delicate insides. It should be done mainly to find any unnecessary changes in the system that might turn into a life-threating disease later.

Practices to avoid for the prosper health

By involving positive things in life, we have to get rid of negative stuff as well.

  1. Abuse of the intoxicating substance

Smoking and drinking is a personal choice. But excessive smoking and drinking damages the body permanently. If we can avoid it, our health might not suffer that much.

  1. Cut down caffeine

The working-class people consume a ridiculous amount of caffeine in a day. It might keep you awake and fresh. However, the aftereffect of extra caffeine in the system is that it does not allow the body to relax properly.

  1. Skipping meals

People skip timely meals due to the pressure of work. It might work for your job but health will be compromised. So take food on time and drink enough water to digest it well. If health is lost money can’t bring it back.

  1. Avoid sugar, sodium, and cholesterol

Try to cook food in healthy oil or try to avoid oil sometimes. Consume less sugar and salt. It will bring down the possibility of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart attacks. These three diseases are the major concern around the world at this point in time.

  1. Stop being your own doctor

If you are not a certified physician, then stop self-diagnosis and avoid using medical drugs without any professional consultation. It might feel right at the moment but in the long run, the consequences can be grave.

It’s all in our own hand

Like our fate, our health is in our hands too. It is really unfortunate to see people succumb to diseases before their time. The above measures and preventions might not cure all the diseases but it will sure make us strong physically and mentally. Timely prevention can bring down unnecessary expenses on healthcare and we could stop a small itch before it can become an epidemic. As the Arabian proverb suggests, “He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything”, we need to bring back our good health to have hope for the future.

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