Graeme Clegg: A Visionary’s Quest for Optimal Health Through Colostrum

Graeme Clegg

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Graeme Clegg, a sheep farmer from Masterton and the founder and chairman of New Image Group Ltd., developed a keen interest in the beneficial properties of natural products, especially colostrum. He observed its vital role as the first feed for newborn lambs, providing them with essential antibodies for disease resistance and setting the foundation for a healthy life.

During his early farming years, he made a significant observation: newborn lambs that did not receive colostrum succumbed to infections within 48 hours. This led him to understand the critical role of colostrum in reducing mortality and providing a strong start to life. After witnessing the loss of his parents and brother to cancer, he felt a strong calling to help people lead healthier lives through science and nutrition. He firmly believes that individuals can take control of their health through natural sources and that prevention is indeed better than cure.

In line with his beliefs, he established his business, New Image Group Ltd. The company produces and sells colostrum-based products, catering to health-conscious consumers who recognize and appreciate the significant benefits of these products.

New Image Group Ltd.: Pioneering Colostrum-Based Health Solutions

Colostrum, an incredibly complex substance, is vital for activating all functions in a newborn’s body. It can be likened to blood serum transformed by the mammary gland, possessing all the life-giving properties of blood without any type restrictions. As a life force, it facilitates cell-to-cell communication and transfers memory and instructions.

The bioactives that initiate every function in a newborn can restore optimal function when consumed at any stage of life. With a strong safety profile, suitability for various age groups, and availability in easy-to-use oral formulations after inactivation, colostrum is a compelling choice for consumers.

At the time, the only commercially available colostrum was from cows. It was understood that the mammalian species from which the colostrum originated did not matter. All mammals are warm-blooded, suckle their young, and are susceptible to the same diseases such as blood poisoning, diarrhea, food poisoning, cancer, and COVID-19. Cows produce more colostrum than a single calf requires, allowing for sustainable harvesting of the surplus.

Unlike humans, cows are not hygienic, making their colostrum significantly more potent than that of human mothers. A newborn must receive enough colostrum to ensure its immunity is not compromised, or it will not survive. However, colostrum must be handled with care to preserve its precious life forces.

New Image recognized that most of colostrum’s bioactives were too delicate to be processed in dairy milk powder plants due to high temperatures and pressure. Therefore, they developed their facilities to ensure all the precious bioactives are retained. These unique processes, protected by patents, guarantee a superior product that retains the maximum bioavailability intended by nature.

Since its inception, the company has grown and diversified into a range of colostrum-related products. It has expanded its operations internationally into 25 countries. In 2022, New Image Group Ltd. achieved a significant milestone, securing the #26 position in the Global 100 Direct Sales companies, with revenues nearing $500 million.

This remarkable growth, from humble beginnings, underscores the trust our global consumers place in the products we offer. It reflects the substantial health and well-being benefits derived from colostrum, as promoted by New Image.

Founder Graeme Clegg is so passionate about colostrum that he is the “Guinea Pig” for all the research. A recognized anti-aging specialist at 84, he remains physically active and runs the company’s international operations. Known internationally as “the man who slowed down time,” he started the company to save his life, having lost family members to cancer.

He says that he didn’t start the company to make money but to save his life. Fortunately, he has benefited from both. The trauma of losing his younger brother to cancer at 46, and then both parents, deeply affected him. Realizing that he might have a genetic predisposition to cancer, he resolved to outwit the Grim Reaper.

Looking ahead, the company is committed to expanding its international presence and breaking into new markets with innovative products. The goal is to empower individuals worldwide to achieve their health and wellness objectives through awareness and self-intervention.

Colostrum: The World’s Best-Kept Health Secret

Today’s immune system faces more threats than ever, from mutating viruses and processed foods to pollution and stress. All diseases and even aging result from a dysfunctional immune system. Colostrum, the first milk produced by all mammals after birth, offers a solution. No other substance on earth can match colostrum’s immune-boosting properties.

Bovine colostrum, distinct from regular milk, is rich in bioactive compounds. It garners attention for its potential health benefits and disease resistance. Produced just before birth, it’s available for the baby immediately. Colostrum not only nourishes the newborn but also protects it from infections. Without colostrum, a newborn would succumb to infections within 72 hours.

Through colostrum, a mother transfers her immune system’s memory and protective qualities to her newborn. Colostrum protects the newborn’s gut from pathogenic bacteria and viruses and helps establish a healthy gut microbiome.

Colostrum is not only life’s first food but also the “Foundation Of Good Health.” While gut microbiome development and pathogen protection are colostrum’s primary roles, it contains other bioactive factors known to heal and protect the newborn. These factors are important at all life stages, especially as we age. Humans have known this for centuries, but modern medicine has overshadowed this knowledge.

Reviving Ancient Wisdom: The New Image Mission to Promote Colostrum

Ancient Egyptians revered colostrum for its spiritual properties, considering it “The Gift Of Creation.” Ayurvedic medicine prescribes colostrum for its medicinal benefits. Today, Hindus respect cows for their association with colostrum, indicating their reverence.

Evidence of colostrum’s healing properties is found worldwide. European cultures consumed foods made from colostrum, recognizing its health-promoting properties.

Today, many families use colostrum as a preventive product and increase consumption during health challenges. They understand colostrum’s healing power.

Many wonder why colostrum’s healing properties aren’t more widely known. They are a mother’s secret, passed through families by word of mouth. Colostrum acts as a complete product to heal and repair the body, primarily by restoring the gut microbiome to a healthy state.

When Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, the pharmaceutical industry suppressed most of the ancient knowledge. The New Image’s mission is to make the world aware of Colostrum’s spiritual powers again.

Bovine Colostrum: Science or Sales Gimmick?

Bovine colostrum, rich in bioactive compounds, offers health benefits when consumed regularly. Extensive research on this is available at “The Institute of Colostrum Research.” This not-for-profit organization collects and shares the latest scientific data.

Antibodies (immunoglobulins) are the most notable compounds in colostrum. They provide newborns with protection against pathogenic viruses, fungi, and bacteria and help form a healthy gut microbiome.

Colostrum also contains other bioactive compounds, including immune-like factors, growth factors, signaling proteins and sugars, bioactive carbohydrates, bioactive peptides, milk phospholipids, oligosaccharides, lysozymes, lactoferrin, and lactoperoxidase, to name a few. Some peptides show potential in modulating immune responses and reducing inflammation.

The scientific evidence underscores colostrum’s importance. Scientists continue to uncover its secrets. The latest research has identified 106 amino acid peptide sequences and an astonishing 152 proteins in the colostrum cream, which most commercial processing removes. Graeme Clegg’s curiosity about why nature would include cream in colostrum if it had no value led to these discoveries.

The current focus of the scientific community is on unraveling the intricate science of polypeptides, elucidating their mechanisms of action, delving into cell biology, and exploring translational immunology, among other areas. The scientific community is committed to sharing these discoveries with the international community, enriching the understanding of bovine and goat colostrum. This commitment aligns with the vision of New Image Group Ltd.’s Founder.

The below figure highlights a few bioactive compounds in this product.

New Image Group Ltd. recognizes colostrum’s potential and strives to preserve its nutritional value. Graeme Clegg established New Image Innovation (NII) to explore colostrum’s bioactive compounds and their health benefits. The company has made innovative leaps in technology to deliver superior products.

Alpha Lipid™ Technology is one such leap. It provides a protective barrier for colostrum’s bioactives, helping them transition through the gut wall and protecting them from the stomach’s acidity. This technology aims to maximize colostrum’s health benefits and empower individuals worldwide to achieve their health goals by strengthening the immune system.

New Image Innovation has researched extensively to manufacture a more enhanced bioactive colostrum. While immunoglobulin G is the accepted primary measure of colostrum activity, it only measures one aspect of the product’s functionality. NII is preparing to manufacture a novel Gold Standard colostrum powder. This new technology represents a paradigm shift in colostrum manufacture. The product is more bioactive than other powders in the market, targeting a wider range of health conditions.

NII has identified medical research partners and initiated a program investigating the new powder’s effects on mitigating type II age-onset diabetes. Studies reported in literature investigate the relationship between colostrum and gut-associated diseases like Chrones disease, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Irritable Bowel, all related to significant inflammation within the body.

Furthermore, NII investigates colostrum’s anti-inflammatory compounds and their role in mitigating diseases like arthritis, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. They aim to stay at the forefront of colostrum research.

Moreover, the gut’s health is crucial for overall wellness. When the gut microbiome functions properly, it communicates with the brain, aiding healing and repair. Colostrum is known to repair the human gut microbiome, promoting gut health and better absorption of food components. This research ensures the provision of a safe, efficacious product with proven health benefits.

Graeme Clegg’s vision of creating a renowned health and wellness company, based on the life-force power of a mother’s product to protect her newborn, is materializing. The company, driven by a philosophy of continuous improvement and a commitment to human health, has developed numerous innovative products. 

Alpha Lipid Lifeline, a fortified breakfast shake, is the flagship product designed to strengthen and protect the body throughout the day. It has become a staple in families across Asia. 

Colostem, formulated to increase circulating stem cells, demonstrated a 122% increase in clinical trials published in esteemed medical publications. Immunfort tablets, a breakthrough in concentrating 600,000 antibodies into a tablet, reinforce the immune system’s defenses against bacteria and viruses.

Beware – Not All Colostrum is Identical

Not all colostrum is identical or provides real health and wellness benefits. New Image sets the standard for colostrum, ensuring it meets stringent quality parameters through highly sophisticated laboratory methods. It should be noted that the source of colostrum affects its bioactivity and behavior within the human gut. Improperly handled and processed colostrum can’t dissolve in the gut, rendering it ineffective for health and wellness.

The living environment of colostrum-producing cows influences their quality. Feed type also impacts the product. Companies that harvest and process colostrum on large factory farms often disregard the health and wellness of newborn calves. Almost all male calves receive less colostrum than the recommended minimum to start their life, leading to their death or slaughter. Furthermore, these large factory farms are toxic environments, necessitating excessive antibiotic use. These antibiotics then contaminate the colostrum and milk.

Some practices even involve adding hormones to stimulate extra milk production, offsetting the high costs of keeping cows on concrete in barns throughout their lives and feeding them a corn diet. As ruminants, cows have a digestive system specifically designed for grass.

Cows living naturally in clean environments and freely grazing on pastures should provide high-quality colostrum. They pick up the microbiome from their environment, which builds a robust immune system. This process not only enhances their immune system but also increases the potency of the harvested colostrum, making it as potent as nature intended. After harvesting, the colostrum should be gently treated, immediately chilled, and processed within 48 hours. The New Image follows these specifications.

Embracing New Zealand’s Clean Green Ethos: New Image Group Commitment to Environmental Responsibility and Calf Welfare

New Image Group aligns with New Zealand’s ethos of sustainability and responsibility, emphasizing animal welfare in colostrum collection. Recognizing colostrum’s role in bolstering calf immune systems, the company ensures calves receive colostrum within 12 hours after birth. This practice provides essential nourishment to calves, prevents disease vulnerability, and highlights responsible colostrum management.

The company collaborates with dairy farmers to adhere to stringent welfare standards and environmental obligations. This partnership upholds sustainable colostrum collection and sale practices, aligning with the 2019 Dairy Cattle Welfare Code.

Through these efforts, New Image Group strives to safeguard calf welfare, honor New Zealand’s environmental ethos, and promote industry sustainability.

Why use the colostrum from New Zealand and New Image Group Ltd?

New Image, a global leader in the colostrum market, has made significant investments in manufacturing technology. Working directly with selected farmers, they ensure the procurement of premium fresh raw colostrum. The finest grade is harvested and processed into powder within 48 hours, maintaining quality standards through their collection vats on supplier farms.

In New Zealand, cows graze on pasture year-round, benefitting from natural sun exposure and living conditions. By eliminating factors negatively affecting quality, like confinement and artificial lighting cows produce premium colostrum. This natural, pasture-based approach to farming not only promotes animal welfare but also enhances the nutritional content and bioactive properties of the colostrum produced. Moreover, New Zealand emerges as a prime source of high-quality colostrum, reflecting the country’s commitment to sustainable and ethical farming practices.

As part of their investment strategy, New Image acquired a unique spray drying facility, NZ Food Innovation (Waikato). The manufacture of their New Generation Colostrum is being moved to this facility. The innovative process by which the product will be made is soon to be patented.

The facility operates under a license from the New Zealand Government agency MPI and is audited against food safety and product safety standards every three months. Their novel process enhances a wide range of bioactive levels, reduces heat stress on the product, and significantly reduces any denaturation of the important bioactive compounds.

Furthermore, they employ a novel liposome technology to encapsulate some of the bio-actives to further protect them through the human gut. The process to manufacture their next-generation colostrum is novel, world-leading, and uses cutting-edge technology, to further protect the valuable life force contained within a product produced by a mother to protect her newborn. This innovative technology is attracting international interest as the membrane technology enables the direct extraction of valuable bio-actives so they can be concentrated for health supplements, dairy, and infant formulas.

In a nutshell, bovine colostrum, with its rich composition of bioactive compounds, represents a historical cornerstone in health practices. The intricate interplay of colostrum’s immunoglobulins, peptides, and growth factors suggests a holistic impact on immune modulation, inflammation reduction, and metabolic health. As we stand on the cusp of new scientific horizons, colostrum’s legacy persists, offering insights that may reshape paradigms in health and nutrition. If there were just one supplement to maximize health benefits it would have to be Mother Nature colostrum. The world needs a New Image and colostrum.


“A healer is not someone you go to for healing. A healer is someone that triggers within you, your own ability to heal yourself.”

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