The Business Value Of Strata Cleaning


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Today, most businesses share common spaces. While they are responsible for cleaning their personal areas, maintaining these shared spaces falls to the building owners, who often enlist strata cleaning services.

Strata cleaning, a distinctively Australian solution, effectively cleans and maintains shared spaces or common areas like lobbies, corridors, escalators, washrooms, open spaces, and kitchen areas. On the other hand, business value is an assessment of a company’s health and well-being based on factors like economic value, customer value, and shareholder value, among others.

The business value of strata cleaning lies in the efficient upkeep of shared spaces, allowing businesses to concentrate on their products and services. Clean and well-maintained areas provide companies with a more conducive environment to deliver value to their customers.

Strata Cleaning 101


Building committees typically acquire strata cleaning services, determining the required services and the terms and conditions of the cleaning and maintenance contract. In some cases, tenants in a building may join together and agree to hire strata cleaning companies in accordance with strata bylaws. Standardised strata cleaning services include corrective measures (repairs and major replacements), routine maintenance (performed weekly, monthly, or annually), and regular preventative maintenance.

Strata cleaning services generally encompass sweeping, vacuuming, disinfection, car park cleaning, steam cleaning, repair, and maintenance. Depending on the scope of the work, strata cleaning companies may utilise cleaning and maintenance technology to ensure their services deliver maximum value to businesses.

Here are some of the business values of strata cleaning:

1. Cost Management

Effective financial cost management is a vital business value. The ambiguity of shared spaces can breed a lack of responsibility among tenants, leading to strata properties falling into disrepair and degradation. Building owners might have to cover repair costs, passing the expenses on to tenants. These additional charges can result in exceeded budgets and business disruptions.

By scheduling regular cleaning and maintenance, strata cleaning services can prevent damage or decay of shared spaces, reducing expenses that can then be allocated to activities that generate business value.

2. Reduction In Liability Risk

Businesses can incur liabilities in the form of payments to customers or employees who have been injured or taken ill due to workplace hazards. Some of the most common causes of work hazards, such as slips and trips, result from poor lighting, wet and slippery floors, uneven surfaces, and more. These falls and trips can lead to injuries and, in some cases, death.

Australian law stipulates that employees and customers can sue a business if they suffer an injury due to negligence from their employer or a company. Strata cleaning services maintain floors and surfaces, repair major issues like leaking roofs and moldy floors and walls, and consistently upkeep lifts and wiring to minimise accident risks, thus reducing the likelihood of injuries in the workspace. Employee and customer injuries are costly not only financially but also in terms of a business’s reputation.

3. Improved Quality Of Life

Strata cleaning services enhance employees’ quality of life and health by providing them with a hygienic and well-maintained environment in which to work. These services enable your business to thrive in a sanitary space free of dirt and germs. A clean and safe business environment boosts employee morale, which in turn is reflected in the quality of work and customer service, ultimately improving your business outlook and providing value.

4. Presents Organisations In A Positive Light

Strata cleaning services showcase your business to customers in a favorable light when they visit your building. Numerous studies indicate that customers may consider factors like lighting, cleanliness, and smell when deciding whether to purchase your products or services.

Strata cleaning services ensure these spaces are clean, well-lit, and odor-free, creating an ideal and relaxing atmosphere for your customers. They make certain that customers have a positive experience with your organisation from the moment they park their cars, walk past well-maintained lawns, enter a clean and refreshing lobby, use well-maintained lifts, and arrive at your business premises.

Parting Thoughts

Strata cleaning services allow you to focus on your business while they create a better work environment for your employees and customers. Effectively utilising strata cleaning services benefits your business by providing the optimal environment for employees to thrive. It is also conducive to shaping customer experiences with your products and services, which is crucial for business value.

In addition to the benefits already mentioned, strata cleaning services also contribute to the longevity and sustainability of your business. By maintaining a clean, safe, and well-organised workspace, you help prevent costly repairs and replacements down the line.

Furthermore, a pristine environment fosters a positive brand image, attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. Strata cleaning services, therefore, can prove to be an invaluable asset for your business’s growth and success in the long run.

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