

Easy Clinic

Easy Clinic: An Integrated Platform Providing Doctor Friendly EMR Solutions

The APAC EMR-EHR market is in the growth phase with healthcare providers rapidly moving towards digitization. These healthcare providers are looking for ideal solutions that can fulfill their requirements. Despite such growth, the industry is facing various challenges.  According to Girish Mohata, the Founder and CEO of Easy Clinic, few pressing challenges faced by industry […]

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Saket Singhi | JVS Group

JVS Group: Connecting GenX Patients With Physicians Through Tech Enabled Healthcare Solutions

The healthcare IT industry is one of the most dynamic industries in the global economy. Currently, there are numerous emerging start-up companies coming up with innovation-fuelled and creativity-driven solutions that are designed and developed to cater to the rising demands of the modern healthcare industry. Today, what this overcrowded and solutions packed industry needs is

JVS Group: Connecting GenX Patients With Physicians Through Tech Enabled Healthcare Solutions Read More »

Udayan Mandavia | iPatientCare

iPatientCare: Innovating Patient Care Through Digital Transformation

Though information and communication technologies offer the opportunity for tremendous innovation, technology has come late to healthcare delivery. Current estimates indicate that preventable medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. Electronic medical records (EMR) can help correct this systematic error. Relatedly, the cultural gap between healthcare specialists and technology

iPatientCare: Innovating Patient Care Through Digital Transformation Read More »

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West has been driving the business world owing to its developed economies. The leading part of the world is straining to sustain its dominance. However, the other parts of the world, especially Asia Pacific region have been displaying escalating growth in terms of business and technological advancements.

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