

Valency Networks

Valency Networks LLP: A One-Stop Shop for All Cyber Security Services

The upswing of the digital era has affected every aspect of human life. Along with its numerous boons, this shift has some banes too—one of them is that private information has become more vulnerable than ever before. From the cybersecurity standpoint, various companies and institutions constantly work to protect themselves with increased security measures. While

Valency Networks LLP: A One-Stop Shop for All Cyber Security Services Read More »


SaltDNA: Enabling Secured Control Of Global Communications Within Clients’ Network

The security industry has embraced disruptive technologies to develop and reach new heights of success in the market. The increase of cost efficiency factor in the market is also driving security firms to become well-organized and pioneering in their sector. These firms are adjusting to the requirements of clients and providing more customer-centric solutions in

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cities with clean energy

5 Ways to Power Cities with Clean Energy

Intensifications of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases not only affected human lives but also caused climate changes. Human-induced climate change has increased the number and severity of events like hurricane, tornadoes, wildfires, and cyclones. Further, there are health damages because of NOx, SO2, and mercury emissions. Electricity generation is one of the leading causes of

5 Ways to Power Cities with Clean Energy Read More »

Kiana analytics

Kiana.Io: Making Invisible Threats Visible with Kiana Secure and Kiana Engage

Smart and progressing technologies like IoT, Smart Sensors & Cameras, AI/Machine Learning, and Edge Computing are the major drivers of next-generation safety and security solutions. These technologies are revolutionizing the industry by offering intuitive analytics like tacking threat patterns, analyzing the history of events, and detecting aggressive behaviors. However, to gain all these advantages and

Kiana.Io: Making Invisible Threats Visible with Kiana Secure and Kiana Engage Read More »

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West has been driving the business world owing to its developed economies. The leading part of the world is straining to sustain its dominance. However, the other parts of the world, especially Asia Pacific region have been displaying escalating growth in terms of business and technological advancements.

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