The Business APAC Advanced EMR-EHR Providers of 2019

The role and importance of healthcare systems have been widely recognized in the quality of life. With the invention of the latest technological developments, the healthcare industry is catching up with the other leading industries of the world. Today….
Easy Clinic
Easy Clinic: An Integrated Platform Providing Doctor Friendly EMR Solutions
The APAC EMR-EHR market is in the growth phase with ...
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Saket Singhi | JVS Group
JVS Group: Connecting GenX Patients With Physicians Through Tech Enabled Healthcare Solutions
The healthcare IT industry is one of the most dynamic ...
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Udayan Mandavia | iPatientCare
iPatientCare: Innovating Patient Care Through Digital Transformation
Though information and communication technologies offer the opportunity for tremendous ...
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Health Monitor

Healthy Solutions
Easy And Healthy Solutions To Cut Down Healthcare Expenses
The health of healthcare has drastically improved in the past ...
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Quantum Buzz

Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing Rises: Is it time to bid blockchain a goodbye?
Murmurs are going around on how new technology is going ...
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About Us

West has been driving the business world owing to its developed economies. The leading part of the world is straining to sustain its dominance. However, the other parts of the world, especially Asia Pacific region have been displaying escalating growth in terms of business and technological advancements.

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