Business APAC Influential Women Leaders of 2020

Asia Pacific region is known for its diverse cultures and languages. Despite this, the language industry is quite fragmented and unorganized in this region, especially, in India. The requirements are highly managed by small setups or freelancers resulting in challenges such as no price regulations, no processes to manage complex and high-volume language requirements, i.e. translations, subtitling, etc.Addressing all these challenges, Sheetal Ramkumar (CEO) founded a platform White Globe.
Afshan Muneer: Making Growth And Sustainability The Pillars Of Good Leadership
A good leader is not necessarily the one who does ...
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Kaumudi Goda: An Intrepid Leader Daring To Take The Leap
The Microsoft founder Bill Gates observed that success today requires ...
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Yeone Fok: A Socially Conscious Leader Helping to Build Businesses for Good
Presently, there is greater awareness of social and environmental issues. ...
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Lumata Digital
Ritu Agarwal: Going Against The Stereotypes
Entrepreneurship has seen a rise over the years. With new talent emerging every day it is necessary....
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Crystal Link Technology
Maggie Chen: A Journey of A Successful Entrepreneur
Born and raised in Fujian, graduated from Xiamen University and ...
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Emma Scales
Emma Scales: A Strong, Brave And Emotionally Intelligent Business Leader
With a global experience of helping organizations and people to
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Anisha Sagar: Leading The Company Towards Success With Solid Grit And Enthusiasm
Gender bias behavior in business has been a topic of discussion for a long time. Yet, women
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Expert's Desk

Influencer Marketing
3 Ways Influencer Marketing Can Propel Your Business To Success
Influencer marketing is an incredibly powerful business tool delivering an ROI that’s 11 times higher than other digital marketing channels.
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Fempowerment in Marketing

Female empowerment
Female empowerment Strategy Progressively Gaining Popularity Amongst Marketers
Currently, the female empowerment in marketing has taken an upswing. ...
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Women In Business

Women Entrepreneurs
Women Entrepreneurs Can Mind Her Own Business!
Women did face a lot of challenges in presenting themselves ...
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About Us

West has been driving the business world owing to its developed economies. The leading part of the world is straining to sustain its dominance. However, the other parts of the world, especially Asia Pacific region have been displaying escalating growth in terms of business and technological advancements.

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