

Interview Mocha

Interview Mocha: Offering Skill Assessment solution that makes Recruitment Better & Faster

We live in an age where organizations are constantly trying to hire and maintain a workforce that is job-fit and competent. The hiring and the upskilling of the work-force is a process that is extremely time-sensitive. Interview Mocha offers the most comprehensive skill assessment solution. Interview Mocha helps organizations assess candidates for lateral hiring, entry-level […]

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Gnowbe: Driving Employee Training With Specialized Mobile Micro-Learning

In the presence of digital advancements, human resource technology (HR technology) has come out to be an efficient way of automating human resources. Backed by powerful outputs, a new league of applications has emerged to help the companies to transform and bring a next-gen employee experience. Cloud-based, SaaS applications, and business intelligence software are some

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Smart Recruit Online

Smart Recruit Online: Simplifying Recruitment with Intuitive HR Solutions

Having the right blend of technical capability and enhanced processes is considered by prospective employees as a direct reflection of the professionalism within the business. Executing a combination of advanced technology and the appropriate human delivery process is called ‘Human Computation’. Developing the perfect hybrid or blend of technology and processes that is adaptable to

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Predictive Analytics in HR

Predictive Analytics in HR: The game changer of traditional Human Resource processes

Organizations nowadays need to be foretelling and get information and insight from data that empowers them to identify patterns and trends to compete. Prediction also helps to gain knowledge about the behavior of employees so that the employee can take proper action to provide the required outcome. Companies dedicatedly prefer predictive analysis for business management,

Predictive Analytics in HR: The game changer of traditional Human Resource processes Read More »

X0PA: Transforming the Hiring Process through AI and Robotic Process Automation

Advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are moving to complement our work in many industries. Including Human Resources. These industry 4.0 concepts offer benefits like improved efficiency, quality of work, and reduced costs in the hiring and management of an organizations work force. Humans do an amazing job

X0PA: Transforming the Hiring Process through AI and Robotic Process Automation Read More »

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West has been driving the business world owing to its developed economies. The leading part of the world is straining to sustain its dominance. However, the other parts of the world, especially Asia Pacific region have been displaying escalating growth in terms of business and technological advancements.

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